To Be or Not to Be...Employed

So have you ever found a job and within the first month (HELL, within the first two weeks), you are plotting to find another job? Anybody? Well, if your answer is yes, welcome to the club my friends!

Many of us have been there, some more than others. For the most part, we eventually get to that point in life where we are desperately searching for work, trying to keep our heads above water and bouncing around like a bobble head from job to job. Yes, I know! I am there! I am the Queen of Jobs and the Queen of the Bounce. I'm the girl who you see every six months and my job title changed...AGAIN! Yes, it is okay if you are one of these people, you are not a Unicorn, though the thought may excite you. You may be just like myself, a free spirit, a nomad, an unemployable entity, whatever you call yourself, I am here for you.

I am 22, my first job was at 18 and since then I have worked for numerous companies, 15, at the least. Yes, I have nearly worked as many jobs as my age within 4 years. Why? Because I am always on the search for the next best thing, as far as pay, work environment and the opportunity to be my own boss. So far, every opportunity was not for me. Perhaps I am unstable, impatient, and impulsive, however, these "vices" are my virtue and will lead me to the next best thing.

You see, yesterday I was let go from a non-profit organization on my fourth day of training because I could not meet their standards. And at first, I was shocked that they let me go because of my effort to meet their standard, which is to sign up one person for a monthly contribution. However, maybe my effort was not as great as I thought it was and I was truly over it. Yet, no one was by my side as I attempted to stop people who for the most part are far too wrapped up in their own lives to give a damn about the environment and Trump's efforts to dismantle anything that would protect it. Nothing but pure apathy! This is not to say that what I was doing was impossible or a waste because I think everyone should be an advocate at some point in their lives for a cause that they believe in, however, maybe I was on the wrong side of my advocacy.

I am a writer! Therefore, I write, now maybe you are wondering why didn't I go to school for journalism? Great question! At the time that the thought crossed my mind, I pondered the state of America in relation to Black life, Black perspective, and Black thoughts and said no. I do not want to be censored like the government tried to censor Mumia Abu Jamal. I will not go into great details about him now, that is for another post, but he is an activist and journalist, falsely convicted and sentenced to death row for speaking the truth about the system of oppression. Maybe knowing what he has gone through has turned me off when I hear that word, journalism. Maybe that is unfair and I should do it for the oppressed voices such as himself. Nonetheless, I aspire to do what he did and so much more some day, will I ever call myself a journalist? Maybe not, but if it suits others to say that I am in order to classify me for whatever purpose, then so be it.

I apologize for my slight tangent, however, remember I am a Creator above all else and whatever moves me to move my fingers, I am going to share it with you. Although, the purpose of this post is not intended to offer tips on how to get a job or find a job because truthfully speaking that is easy. Take it from the girl who has had about 15 in 4 years. I do not even believe it is hard to keep a job if you truly want to keep that job, but ask yourself this, is your job keeping you? What the hell is she talking about? Let me explain. You can keep a job by simply being on time to what you were hired to do and doing it until it is time for you to go, but is your job keeping you by inspiring you, challenging you and offering you greater opportunities for growth, IS YOUR JOB KEEPING YOU? (That might make a great post next time) but do you get it now?!

Sometimes we bounce around from job to job searching for something in places that we will never find them and are not intended to, that is why you are still searching. I wrote this post because I realized yesterday, although I was turned away from one opportunity that it was simply not the opportunity for me, I did not intend to keep the job and they would not have kept me anyway. I did not want to be there, I just understood that I need money and they pay hourly. But the text message that I woke up to this morning inspired me to write this post.

Now I am going to tell you right here and right now, I do not believe in coincidences. Everything is Divinely orchestrated. I began training at this organization last Tuesday. On Wednesday, I was already miserable in the field and when I saw the opportunity to just strike up a conversation with this man based on his Hofstra University shirt (the college I graduated from), I took it. Shit, maybe he would donate to this cause that I had been outside sweating to get people to stop for and although he posed no immediate interest in what I was currently doing, the conversation continued. As he expressed what he does and I realized how it was relevant to all that I had been preaching about and wanting to become a part of, I knew it was Divine intervention. I cannot truly tell you whether or not I told him I was a writer first or if he said he was looking for a writer first, but, the moral of the story is that we both served each other a purpose and that is why I was there, on that day, in that place, at that time.

Ultimately, I encourage every last one of you reading this to take the time to sit and think, what is it that you really want from life, what are you good at, what feels natural and how can you enhance your life from day to day. Be honest with yourself and be patient, that is the hard part. The answers will come when you least expect it, trust me, after all my stress, worries and fears, my will to not give up, has made a way for me to move up.

"You give people hope," that is what my best friend said to me one day, I was surprised by her candor and honored that she felt that way, I had never truly thought of myself in that light. But because I remember what she said and it will always stay with me, I hope that my words have done that for you, if nothing else.


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